# Accounts

If not set, lowest possible fee will be requested from zkSync server. Fees are pain in the same token as the main transaction token. To get how to manually obtain an acceptable fee amount, see Get transaction fee from the server. To see if amount is packable use pack fee util.

When false, ethers.Signer is used to create signature, otherwise it is expected that user called onchainAuthSigningKey to authorize new pubkey.

# Wallet

Wallet object is used to interact with the zkSync network. The wallet has an ethereum address associated with it and user that owns this ethereum account owns a corresponding zkSync account. By ownership of ethereum account we mean ability to send ethereum transactions and optionally ability to sign messages.

Wallet has nonce associated with it and it is used to prevent transaction replay. Only transactions with the nonce that is equal to the current nonce of the wallet can be executed.

To create transactions in the zkSync network wallet must have zkSync key pair associated with it. zkSync keys are handled by Signer object and can be created using different methods, the most convenient way is to create these keys by deriving them from ethereum signature of the specific message, this method is used by default if user does not provide Signer created using some other method.

For zkSync keys to be valid user should register them once in the zkSync network using set signing key transaction. For ethereum wallets that do not support message signing additional ethereum transaction is required. zkSync keys can be changed at any time.

Transactions such as Transfer and Withdraw are additionally signed using ethereum account of the wallet, this signature is used for additional security in case zkSync keys of the wallet are compromised. User is asked to sign readable representation of the transaction and signature check is performed when transaction is submitted to the zkSync.

# Creating wallet from ETH signer


static async fromEthSigner(
  ethWallet: ethers.Signer,
  provider: Provider,
  signer?: Signer,
  accountId?: number,
  ethSignatureType?: EthSignerType
): Promise<Wallet>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
ethWallet ethers.Signer that corresponds to keys that own this account
provider zkSync provider that is used for submitting a transaction to the zkSync network.
signer (optional) zkSync signer that will be used for transaction signing.[1]
accountId (optional) zkSync account id.[2]
ethSignatureType (optional) Type of signature that is produced by ethWallet.[3]
returns zksync.Wallet derived from ethereum wallet (ethers.Signer)


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const ethersProvider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("goerli");
const syncProvider = await zksync.getDefaultProvider("goerli");

const ethWallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().connect(ethersProvider);
const syncWallet = await zksync.Wallet.fromEthSigner(ethWallet, syncProvider);

# Creating wallet from ETH without zkSync signer


static async fromEthSignerNoKeys(
  ethWallet: ethers.Signer,
  provider: Provider,
  accountId?: number,
  ethSignatureType?: EthSignerType
): Promise<Wallet>;

This way wallet won't contain any valid zkSync keys to perform transactions, but some of the operations can be used without them, such as Deposit, Emergency exit and reading the account state.

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
ethWallet ethers.Signer that corresponds to keys that own this account
provider zkSync provider that is used for submitting a transaction to the zkSync network.
accountId (optional) zkSync account id.[2:1]
ethSignatureType (optional) Type of signature that is produced by ethWallet.[3:1]
returns zksync.Wallet derived from ethereum wallet (ethers.Signer)


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const ethersProvider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("goerli");
const syncProvider = await zksync.getDefaultProvider("goerli");

const ethWallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().connect(ethersProvider);
const syncWallet = await zksync.Wallet.fromEthSignerNoKeys(ethWallet, syncProvider);

# Creating wallet from CREATE2 data

This way you can create a wallet, which corresponding L1 account could be created using the CREATE2 opcode. The syncSigner pubKeyHash is encoded as a part of the salt for CREATE2. Note that you do not need to manually add it to the saltArg of the create2Data as it is done automatically.

Such wallets are not required to provide Ethereum signatures for transactions. Unlike the ECDSA wallets, which have to verify the signature for ChangePubKey onchain, CREATE2 wallets only require to check that the pubKeyHash is included in the CREATE2 digest. Thus, the ChangePubKey costs less for this kind of account than for the ECDSA one, but that comes with a limitation: the L2 private key can not be changed. Also, this type of account can not be used to onboard users from existing L1 addresses.


static async fromCreate2Data(
  syncSigner: Signer,
  provider: Provider,
  create2Data: Create2Data,
  accountId?: number
): Promise<Wallet>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
syncSigner zkSync signer that will be used for transaction signing.[1:1]
provider zkSync provider that is used for submitting a transaction to the zkSync network.
create2Data Data out of which the CREATE2 algorithm would derive the address.
accountId (optional) zkSync account id.[2:2]
returns zksync.Wallet derived from ethereum wallet (ethers.Signer)


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncProvider = await zksync.getDefaultProvider("goerli");
const signer = await zksync.Signer.fromSeed(ethers.utils.randomBytes(32));
const randomHex = (length: number) => {
  const bytes = ethers.utils.randomBytes(length);
  return ethers.utils.hexlify(bytes);
const create2Data = {
  creatorAddress: randomHex(20),
  saltArg: randomHex(32),
  codeHash: randomHex(32),
const syncWallet = await zksync.Wallet.fromCreate2Data(signer, syncProvider, create2Data);

# Creating wallet from L2 Wallets

Starting from 0.12.0 version of our SDK we support remote json rpc signer. That means you could add support of zkSync L2 Wallets such as Argent zkSync or other applications into your dapp.

❗ Important: Currently only Argent Wallet supports this kind of signing.

 static async fromEthSigner(
        web3Provider: ethers.providers.Web3Provider,
        provider: SyncProvider,
        accountId?: number
    ): Promise<RemoteWallet>

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
web3Provider A provider that is connected to an appropriate wallet, such as Argent zkSync L2 Wallet.
provider zkSync provider that is used for submitting a transaction to the zkSync network.
accountId (optional) zkSync account id.[2:3]

# Get account state

Same as Get account state from provider but gets state of this account.


async getAccountState(): Promise<AccountState>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
returns State of the given account.

# Get account id

For convenience it is possible to obtain the account ID.


async getAccountId(): Promise<number | undefined>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
returns Numerical account ID in the the zkSync tree state.[4]

# Get account nonce

Get the nonce of this account. Very convenient if you want to either provide a nonce explicitly or use the last committed one as the fallback.


async getNonce(nonce: Nonce = 'committed'): Promise<number>

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
nonce The type of nonce which should be returned.
returns The last committed nonce if 'committed' is supplied and the value of the supplied nonce argument if the number is supplied

# Get token balance on zkSync


async getBalance(
  token: TokenLike,
  type: "committed" | "verified" = "committed"
): Promise<ethers.utils.BigNumber>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
token Token of interest, symbol or address of the supported token
type "committed" or "verified"
returns Balance of this token


const wallet = ..; // setup wallet

// Get committed Ethereum balance.
const ethCommittedBalance = await getBalance("ETH");

// Get verified ERC20 token balance.
const erc20VerifiedBalance = await getBalance("0xFab46E002BbF0b4509813474841E0716E6730136", "verified");

# Get token balance on Ethereum

Method similar to syncWallet.getBalance, used to query balance in the Ethereum network.


async getEthereumBalance(token: TokenLike): Promise<utils.BigNumber>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
token Token of interest, symbol or address of the supported token
returns Balance of this token


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

// Setup zksync.Wallet with ethers signer/wallet that is connected to ethers provider
const wallet = ..;

const ethOnChainBalance = await wallet.getEthereumBalance("ETH");

# Unlocking ERC20 deposits

For convenience, it is possible to approve the maximum possible amount of ERC20 token deposits for the zkSync contract so that user would not need to approve each deposit.


async approveERC20TokenDeposits(
  token: TokenLike,
  max_erc20_approve_amount: BigNumber = MAX_ERC20_APPROVE_AMOUNT
): Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>;
Name Description
token ERC20 token
max_erc20_approve_amount (optional) Amount of token to be unlocked. Infinite by default
returns Handle for the ethereum transaction.


async isERC20DepositsApproved(
  token: TokenLike,
  erc20ApproveThreshold: BigNumber = ERC20_APPROVE_TRESHOLD
): Promise<boolean>;
Name Description
token ERC20 token to be approved for deposits
erc20ApproveThreshold (optional) The amount that needs to be approved. 2^255 by default.
returns True if the token deposits are approved

# Deposit token to Sync

Moves funds from the ethereum account to the zkSync account.

To do the ERC20 token transfer, this token transfer should be approved. User can make ERC20 deposits approved forever using unlocking ERC20 token, or the user can approve the exact amount (required for a deposit) upon each deposit, but this is not recommended.

Once the operation is committed to the Ethereum network, we have to wait for a certain amount of confirmations (see provider docs for exact number) before accepting it in the zkSync network. After the transaction is committed to the zkSync network, funds are already usable by the recipient, meaning that there is no need to wait for verification before proceeding unless additional confirmation is required for your application. To wait for the transaction commitment on the zkSync network, use awaitReceipt(see utils).


async depositToSyncFromEthereum(deposit: {
    depositTo: Address;
    token: TokenLike;
    amount: BigNumberish;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
    approveDepositAmountForERC20?: boolean;
): Promise<ETHOperation>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
deposit.depositTo zkSync account address of the receiver
deposit.token Token to be transferred (symbol or address of the supported token)
deposit.amount Amount of token to be transferred
deposit.ethTxOptions Arguments for the deposit Ethereum transaction, e.g. gas price.
deposit.approveDepositAmountForERC20 (optional) See below*
returns Handle for this transaction.

*: If set, the user will be asked to approve the ERC20 token spending to our account (not required if token was unlocked)


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet from ethers.Signer.

const depositPriorityOperation = await syncWallet.depositToSyncFromEthereum({
  depositTo: "0x2d5bf7a3ab29f0ff424d738a83f9b0588bc9241e",
  token: "ETH",
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"),

// Wait till priority operation is committed.
const priorityOpReceipt = await depositPriorityOperation.awaitReceipt();

# Changing account public key

In order to send zkSync transactions (transfer and withdraw) user has to associate zksync key pair with account. Every zkSync account has address which is ethereum address of the owner.

There are two ways to authorize zksync key pair.

  1. Using ethereum signature of specific message. This way is preferred but can only be used if your ethereum wallet can sign messages.
  2. Using ethereum transaction to zkSync smart-contract.

This function will throw an error if the account is not present in the zkSync network. Check the account id to see if account is present in the zkSync state tree.

The operators require a fee to be paid in order to process transactions.[5]


async setSigningKey(changePubKey: {
    feeToken: TokenLike;
    ethAuthType: ChangePubkeyTypes;
    fee?: BigNumberish;
    nonce?: Nonce;
    validFrom?: number;
    validUntil?: number;
): Promise<Transaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
changePubKey.feeToken Token to pay fee in.[6]
changePubKey.ethAuthType The type which determines how will the Ethereum signature be verified.
changePubKey.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:1]
changePubKey.nonce (optional) Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction.[7]
changePubKey.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
changePubKey.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Handle of the submitted transaction.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = ..;// setup zksync wallet

if (!await wallet.isSigningKeySet()) {
  const changePubkey = await wallet.setSigningKey({
    feeToken: "FAU",
    fee: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001"),
    ethAuthType: "ECDSA"

  // Wait till transaction is committed
  const receipt = await changePubkey.awaitReceipt();

# Sign change account public key transaction

Signs change public key transaction without sending it to the zkSync network. It is important to consider transaction fee in advance because transaction can become invalid if token price changes.


async signSetSigningKey(changePubKey: {
  feeToken: TokenLike;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
  ethAuthType: ChangePubkeyTypes;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<SignedTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
changePubKey.feeToken Token to pay fee in.[6:1]
changePubKey.fee Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:2]
changePubKey.nonce Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction.[7:1]
changePubKey.ethAuthType The type which determines how will the Ethereum signature be verified.
changePubKey.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
changePubKey.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Signed transaction

# Authorize new public key using ethereum transaction

This method is used to authorize public key change using ethereum transaction for wallets that don't support message signing.


async onchainAuthSigningKey(
  nonce: Nonce = "committed",
  ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest
): Promise<ContractTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
nonce Nonce that is going to be used for setSigningKey transaction.[7:2]
ethTxOptions (optional) Arguments for the onchain authentication Ethereum transaction, e.g. gas price.
returns Handle of the submitted transaction


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = ..;// setup zksync wallet

if (!await wallet.isSigningKeySet()) {
  const onchainAuthTransaction = await wallet.onchainAuthSigningKey();
  // Wait till transaction is committed on ethereum.
  await onchainAuthTransaction.wait();

  const changePubkey = await wallet.setSigningKey({
    feeToken: "ETH",
    ethAuthType: "ECDSA"

  // Wait till transaction is committed
  const receipt = await changePubkey.awaitReceipt();

# Check if current public key is set

Checks if current signer that is associated with wallet is able to sign transactions. See change pub key on how to change current public key.


async isSigningKeySet(): Promise<boolean>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
returns True if current signer that is assigned to wallet can sign transactions.

# Transfer in the zkSync

Moves funds between accounts inside the zkSync network. Sender account should have correct public key set before sending this transaction. ( see change pub key)

Before sending this transaction, the user will be asked to sign a specific message with transaction details using their Ethereum account (because of the security reasons).

After the transaction is committed, funds are already usable by the recipient, so there is no need to wait for verification before proceeding unless additional confirmation is required for your application. To wait for transaction commit use awaitReceipt(see utils).

The operators require a fee to be paid in order to process transactions.[5:3]


async syncTransfer(transfer:{
  to: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
  nonce?: Nonce;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<Transaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
transfer.to zkSync address of the recipient of funds
transfer.token Token to be transferred[6:2]
transfer.amount Amount of token to be transferred.[8]
transfer.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:4]
transfer.nonce (optional) Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction.[7:3]
transfer.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
transfer.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Handle of the submitted transaction


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = ..;// setup zksync wallet

const transferTransaction = await wallet.syncTransfer({
  to: "0x2d5bf7a3ab29f0ff424d738a83f9b0588bc9241e",
  token: "0xFab46E002BbF0b4509813474841E0716E6730136", // FAU ERC20 token address
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"),
  fee: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

// Wait till transaction is committed
const transactionReceipt = await transferTransaction.awaitReceipt();

# Sign transfer in the zkSync transaction

Signs transfer transaction without sending it to the zkSync network. It is important to consider transaction fee in advance because transaction can become invalid if token price changes.


async signSyncTransfer(transfer: {
  to: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<SignedTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
transfer.to zkSync address of the recipient of funds
transfer.token Token to be transferred.[6:3]
transfer.amount Amount of token to be transferred.[8:1]
transfer.fee Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:5]
transfer.nonce Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction.[7:4]
transfer.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
transfer.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Signed transaction.

# Swaps in zkSync

Performs an atomic swap between 2 existing accounts in the zkSync network. For information about swaps, see the Swaps tutorial.

# Signing orders

There are two kinds of orders:

  • Swap order, where an explicit amount is set.
  • Limit order, where an explicit amount is not set, and instead inferred from the balance. This order can be partially filled.


async getOrder(order:{
  tokenSell: TokenLike;
  tokenBuy: TokenLike;
  ratio: TokenRatio | WeiRatio;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  recipient?: Address;
  nonce?: Nonce;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;

async getLimitOrder(order: {
  tokenSell: TokenLike;
  tokenBuy: TokenLike;
  ratio: TokenRatio | WeiRatio;
  recipient?: Address;
  nonce?: Nonce;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<Order>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
order.tokenSell Token to be swapped
order.tokenBuy Token to be swapped for
order.ratio An object that represents the sell:buy ratio; refer to ratios for details
order.amount Amount of token to be swapped[8:2]
order.recipient (optional) Address of the account to which the result of the swap should be transferred (defaults to self)
order.nonce (optional) Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction[7:5]
order.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
order.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Handle of the submitted transaction

# Submitting a swap

Once two compatible signed swaps are collected, anyone can submit them.


async syncSwap(swap: {
  orders: [Order, Order];
  feeToken: TokenLike;
  amounts?: [BigNumberish, BigNumberish];
  nonce?: number;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
}): Promise<Transaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
swap.orders Signed orders, compatible with each other, that will constitute the swap
swap.feeToken Token to be used to pay fees
swap.amounts (optional) Actual amounts to be swapped (defaults to amounts in orders, if they are not limit orders)
swap.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:6]
swap.nonce (optional) Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction.[7:6]
returns Handle of the submitted transaction

# Ratios

To construct a ratio, either utils.tokenRatio or utils.weiRatio may be used.

  • tokenRatio constructs a ratio relevant to the tokens themselves, so { 'ETH': 4, 'wBTC': 1 } would mean you want 4 ETH for each wBTC.
  • weiRatio constructs a ratio relevant to the lowest denomination of the token, so { 'ETH': 4, 'wBTC': 1 } would mean you want 4 wei (10-18 ETH) for each satoshi ( 10-8 wBTC).


function tokenRatio(ratio: { [token: string]: string | number; [token: number]: string | number }): TokenRatio;

function weiRatio(ratio: { [token: string]: BigNumberish; [token: number]: BigNumberish }): WeiRatio;

Only 2 tokens should be specified in each ratio.

# Example

const walletA = ..; // setup first wallet
const walletB = ..; // setup second wallet

const orderA = await walletA.getOrder({
  tokenSell: 'ETH',
  tokenBuy: 'USDT',
  amount: tokenSet.parseToken('ETH', '2'),
  ratio: utils.tokenRatio({
    ETH: 1,
    USDT: '4123.40',

const orderB = await walletB.getOrder({
  tokenSell: 'USDT',
  tokenBuy: 'ETH',
  amount: tokenSet.parseToken('USDT', '8000'),
  ratio: utils.tokenRatio({
    ETH: 1,
    USDT: '4123.40',
  // this makes it a swap-and-transfer
  recipient: '0x2d5bf7a3ab29f0ff424d738a83f9b0588bc9241e'

const swap = await walletA.syncSwap({
  orders: [orderA, orderB],
  feeToken: 'ETH',

await swap.awaitReceipt();

# Batched Transfers in the zkSync

Sends several transfers in a batch. For information about transaction batches, see the Providers section.

Note that unlike in syncTransfer, the fee is a required field for each transaction, as in batch wallet cannot assume anything about the fee for each individual transaction.

If it is required to send a batch that include transactions other than transfers, consider using Provider's submitTxsBatch method instead.


async syncMultiTransfer(transfers: {
  to: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce?: Nonce;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}[]): Promise<Transaction[]>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
transfers An array of transfer transactions.
returns Array of handle for each submitted transaction.

For details on an individual transaction, see Transfer in the zkSync.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = ..;// setup zksync wallet

const transferA = {
  to: "0x2d5bf7a3ab29f0ff424d738a83f9b0588bc9241e",
  token: "0xFab46E002BbF0b4509813474841E0716E6730136", // FAU ERC20 token address
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"),
  fee: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

const transferB = {
  to: "0xaabbf7a3ab29f0ff424d738a83f9b0588bc9241e",
  token: "0xFab46E002BbF0b4509813474841E0716E6730136", // FAU ERC20 token address
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("5.0"),
  fee: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

const transferTransactions = await wallet.syncMultiTransfer([transferA, transferB]);

# Withdraw token from the zkSync

Moves funds from the zkSync account to ethereum address. Sender account should have correct public key set before sending this transaction. ( see change pub key)

Before sending this transaction, the user will be asked to sign a specific message with transaction details using their Ethereum account (because of the security reasons).

The operators require a fee to be paid in order to process transactions.[5:7]

The transaction has to be verified until funds are available on the ethereum wallet balance so it is useful to use awaitVerifyReceipt(see utils) before checking ethereum balance.


async withdrawFromSyncToEthereum(withdraw: {
  ethAddress: string;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
  nonce?: Nonce;
  fastProcessing?: boolean;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<Transaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
withdraw.ethAddress Ethereum address of the recipient
withdraw.token Token to be transferred[6:4].
withdraw.amount Amount of token to be transferred[8:3].
withdraw.fee (optional) amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction[5:8].
withdraw.nonce (optional) Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction[7:7].
withdraw.fastProcessing (optional) Request faster processing of transaction. Note that this requires a higher fee[9]
withdraw.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
withdraw.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Handle of the submitted transaction


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = ..;// setup zksync wallet

const withdrawTransaction = await wallet.withdrawFromSyncToEthereum({
  ethAddress: "0x9de880ac69f3ed1e4d6870fcdabf07cbbed6f85c",
  token: "FAU",
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"),
  fee: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

// Wait wait till transaction is verified
const transactionReceipt = await withdrawTransaction.awaitVerifyReceipt();

# Sign withdraw token from the zkSync transaction

Signs withdraw transaction without sending it to the zkSync network. It is important to consider transaction fee in advance because transaction can become invalid if token price changes.


async signWithdrawFromSyncToEthereum(withdraw: {
  ethAddress: string;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<SignedTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
withdraw.ethAddress Ethereum address of the recipient
withdraw.token Token to be transferred[6:5].
withdraw.amount Amount of token to be transferred[8:4].
withdraw.fee amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction[5:9].
withdraw.nonce Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction[7:8].
withdraw.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
withdraw.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Signed transaction

# Initiate a forced exit for an account

Initialize a forced withdraw of funds for an unowned account. Target account must not have a signing key set and must exist more than 24 hours. After execution of the transaction, funds will be transferred from the target zkSync wallet to the corresponding Ethereum wallet. Transaction initiator pays fee for this transaction. All the balance of requested token will be transferred.

Sender account should have correct public key set before sending this transaction. (see change pub key)

The operators require a fee to be paid in order to process transactions[5:10].

Note: fee is paid by the transaction initiator, not by the target account.

The transaction has to be verified until funds are available on the ethereum wallet balance so it is useful to use awaitVerifyReceipt(see utils) before checking ethereum balance.


async syncForcedExit(forcedExit: {
  target: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
  nonce?: Nonce;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): Promise<Transaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
forcedExit.target Ethereum address of the target account.
forcedExit.token Token to be transferred[6:6].
forcedExit.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction[5:11].
forcedExit.nonce (optional) Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction[7:9].
forcedExit.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
forcedExit.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Handle of the submitted transaction


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = ..;// setup zksync wallet

const forcedExitTransaction = await wallet.syncForcedExit({
  target: "0x9de880ac69f3ed1e4d6870fcdabf07cbbed6f85c",
  token: "FAU",
  fee: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

// Wait wait till transaction is verified
const transactionReceipt = await forcedExitTransaction.awaitVerifyReceipt();

# Sign a forced exit for an account transaction

Signs forced exit transaction without sending it to the zkSync network. It is important to consider transaction fee in advance because transaction can become invalid if token price changes.


async signSyncForcedExit(forcedExit: {
  target: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
}): Promise<SignedTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
forcedExit.target zkSync address of the target account
forcedExit.token Token to be transferred[6:7].
forcedExit.fee Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction[5:12].
forcedExit.nonce Nonce that is going to be used for this transaction[7:10].
returns Signed transaction

# Emergency withdraw from Sync

If ordinary withdraw from zkSync account is ignored by network operators user could create an emergency withdraw request using special Ethereum transaction, this withdraw request can't be ignored.

Moves the full amount of the given token from the zkSync account to the Ethereum account.

Once the operation is committed to the Ethereum network, we have to wait for a certain amount of confirmations (see provider docs for exact number) before accepting it in the zkSync network. Operation will be processed within the zkSync network as soon as the required amount of confirmations is reached.

The transaction has to be verified until funds are available on the ethereum wallet balance so it is useful to use awaitVerifyReceipt(see utils) before checking ethereum balance.


async emergencyWithdraw(withdraw: {
  token: TokenLike;
  accountId?: number;
  ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
}): Promise<ETHOperation>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
withdraw.token Token to be withdrawn[6:8].
withdraw.accountId (optional) Numerical id of the given account[2:4].
withdraw.ethTxOptions (optional) arguments for emergency withdraw Ethereum transaction, e.g. gas price.
returns Handle for this transaction.


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.

const emergencyWithdrawPriorityOp = await syncWallet.emergencyWithdraw({
  token: "ETH",

// Wait till priority operation is verified.
const priorityOpReceipt = await emergencyWithdrawPriorityOp.awaitVerifyReceipt();

# Toggle 2FA

Two factor authentification is an additional protection layer enforced by zkSync server. You can read more about it here.

import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet with private key or EIP-1271 signing

await syncWallet.toggle2FA(false); // disable 2FA
await syncWallet.toggle2FA(true); // enable 2FA back

# Withdraw pending balance

Calls the withdrawPendingBalance function on the zkSync smart contract. This function is typically used to withdraw funds that got stuck due to out-of-gas error.


async withdrawPendingBalance(
  from: Address,
  token: TokenLike,
  amount?: BigNumberish
): Promise<ContractTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
from Ethereum address of the target account.
token Token to be withdrawn[6:9]
amount (optional) Amount to withdraw[8:5]
returns Handle for this transaction.


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.

const withdrawPendingTx = await syncWallet.withdrawPendingBalance(

// Wait till the transaction is complete
const txReceipt = await withdrawPendingTx.wait();

# Withdraw pending balances

Calls the withdrawPendingBalance function multiple times on the zkSync smart contract. To optimize gas usage, instead of doing separate calls, it aggregates them using the multicall (opens new window) smart contract.


async withdrawPendingBalances(
  addresses: Address[],
  tokens: TokenLike[],
  multicallParams: {
    address?: Address;
    network?: Network;
    gasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  amounts?: BigNumberish[]
): Promise<ContractTransaction>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
from Ethereum addresses of the target account.
tokens Tokens to be withdrawn[6:10]
multicallParams The params of the call to the multicall smart contract. This is an advanced feature, it is not recommended to set these values manually.
amounts (optional) Amounts to withdraw
returns Handle for this transaction.


import * as zksync from "zksync";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.

const withdrawPendingTx = await syncWallet.withdrawPendingBalances(
  ["0x9de880ac69f3ed1e4d6870fcdabf07cbbed6f85c", "0x2D9835a1C1662559975B00AEA00e326D1F9f13d0"],
  ["ETH", "DAI"],
  [ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001"), ethers.utils.parseEther("0.002")]

// Wait till the transaction is complete
const txReceipt = await withdrawPendingTx.wait();

# Batch Builder

Batch Builder allows you to create and send transaction batches in a very straightforward way, without the need to worry about managing nonce or the fee transaction. It also can improve the UX of your application as it requires the user to sign the message only once for the whole batch. You can read more about transaction batches here.

Batch Builder supports all kinds of zkSync L2 transactions, such as: Withdraw, Transfer, ChangePubKey, etc.

All the methods of the Batch Builder are supposed to be called in a chained manner.


  • The user still has to sign a separate message for each ChangePubKey in the batch.
  • Currently, a batch is guaranteed to be able to successfully process a max of 50 transactions.

# Create Batch Builder

Creating Batch Builder


batchBuilder(nonce?: Nonce): BatchBuilder;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
nonce (optional) Starting nonce for the transactions [7:11].
returns Batch Builder instance.


const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.

const batchBuilder = syncWallet.batchBuilder();

# Add withdraw transaction

Adding withdraw transaction to the batch.


addWithdraw(withdraw: {
  ethAddress: string;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
  fastProcessing?: boolean;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): BatchBuilder;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
withdraw.ethAddress Ethereum address of the target.
withdraw.token Token to be withdrawn[6:11]
withdraw.amount Amount to withdraw[8:6]
withdraw.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction[5:13]
withdraw.fastProcessing (optional) Request faster processing of transaction. Note that this requires a higher fee[9:1]
withdraw.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
withdraw.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Batch Builder instance.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.
const batchBuilder = ..; // Setup batch builder.

  ethAddress: syncWallet.address(),
  token: "ETH",
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

# Add transfer transaction

Adding transfer transaction to the batch.


addTransfer(transfer: {
  to: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  amount: BigNumberish;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): BatchBuilder;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
transfer.to zkSync address of the recipient of funds.
transfer.token Token to be transferred[6:12]
transfer.amount Amount of token to be transferred.[8:7]
transfer.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:14]
transfer.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
transfer.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Batch Builder instance.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const batchBuilder = ..; // Setup batch builder.

  to: "0x2D9835a1C1662559975B00AEA00e326D1F9f13d0",
  token: "ETH",
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")

# Add change pub key transaction

Adding change pub key transaction to the batch.


  | {
      feeToken: TokenLike;
      ethAuthType: ChangePubkeyTypes;
      fee?: BigNumberish;
      validFrom?: number;
      validUntil?: number;
  | SignedTransaction
): BatchBuilder;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
changePubKey.feeToken Token to pay fee in.[6:13]
changePubKey.ethAuthType The type which determines how will the Ethereum signature be verified.
changePubKey.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:15]
changePubKey.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
changePubKey.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Batch Builder instance.


const batchBuilder = ..; // Setup batch builder.

  feeToken: "ETH",
  ethAuthType: 'ECDSA'

# Add forced exit transaction

Adding forced exit transaction to the batch.


addForcedExit(forcedExit: {
  target: Address;
  token: TokenLike;
  fee?: BigNumberish;
  validFrom?: number;
  validUntil?: number;
}): BatchBuilder;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
forcedExit.target zkSync address of the target account
forcedExit.token Token to be withdrawn[6:14]
forcedExit.fee (optional) Amount of token to be paid as a fee for this transaction.[5:16]
forcedExit.validFrom (optional) Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
forcedExit.validUntil (optional) Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
returns Batch Builder instance.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.
const batchBuilder = ..; // Setup batch builder.

  target: syncWallet.address(),
  token: "ETH"

# Build batch

Construct the batch from the given transactions.

If feeToken was provided, the fee for the whole batch will be obtained from the server in this token.


  feeToken?: TokenLike;
): Promise<{ txs: SignedTransaction[]; signature: TxEthSignature; totalFee: TotalFee }>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
feeToken (optional) Token to pay fee for in.[6:15]
returns Transactions, Ethereum signature, total fee.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

const syncWallet = ..; // Setup zksync wallet.
const batchBuilder = ..; // Setup batch builder.

  target: syncWallet.address(),
  token: "ETH"
  to: "0x2D9835a1C1662559975B00AEA00e326D1F9f13d0",
  token: "ETH",
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")
await batchBuilder.build("ETH");

# Signer

# Create from private key


static fromPrivateKey(pk: Uint8Array): Signer;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
pk private key
returns Signer derived from private key

# Create from seed


static async fromSeed(seed: Uint8Array): Promise<Signer>;

# Create from ethereum signature


static async fromETHSignature(
  ethSigner: ethers.Signer
): Promise <{
  signer: Signer;
  ethSignatureType: EthSignerType;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
ethSigner Ethereum signer that is going to be used for signature generation.
returns Signer derived from this seed and method that signer used to sign message.

# Get public key hash


async pubKeyHash(): Promise<PubKeyHash>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
returns Pubkey hash derived from corresponding public key. (sync: prefixed hex-encoded)

# Sign sync transfer

Signs transfer transaction, the result can be submitted to the zkSync network.


async signSyncTransfer(transfer: {
  accountId: number;
  from: Address;
  to: Address;
  tokenId: number;
  amount: ethers.BigNumberish;
  fee: ethers.BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
}): Promise<Transfer>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
transfer.accountId Account id of the sender
transfer.from Address of the sender
transfer.to Address of the recipient
transfer.tokenId Numerical token id
transfer.amount Amount to transfer, payed in token
transfer.fee Fee to pay for transfer, payed in token
transfer.nonce Transaction nonce
returns Signed zkSync transfer transaction

# Sign zkSync Withdraw

Signs withdraw transaction, the result can be submitted to the zkSync network.


async signSyncWithdraw(withdraw: {
  accountId: number;
  from: Address;
  ethAddress: string;
  tokenId: number;
  amount: ethers.BigNumberish;
  fee: ethers.BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
}): Promise<Withdraw>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
withdraw.accountId Account id of the sender
withdraw.from Account address of the sender
withdraw.ethAddress Ethereum address of the recipient
withdraw.tokenId Numerical token id
withdraw.amount Amount to withdraw, paid in token
withdraw.fee Fee to pay for withdrawing, paid in token
withdraw.nonce Transaction nonce
returns Signed zkSync withdraw transaction

# Sign zkSync Forced Exit

Signs forced exit transaction, the result can be submitted to the zkSync network.


async signSyncForcedExit(forcedExit: {
  initiatorAccountId: number;
  target: Address;
  tokenId: number;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
}): Promise<ForcedExit>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
forcedExit.initiatorAccountId Account id of the sender
forcedExit.target Ethereum address of the target account
forcedExit.tokenId Numerical token id
forcedExit.fee Fee to pay for withdrawing, paid in token
forcedExit.nonce Transaction nonce
returns Signed zkSync forced exit transaction

# Sign zkSync ChangePubKey

Signs ChangePubKey transaction, the result can be submitted to the zkSync network.


async signSyncChangePubKey(changePubKey: {
  accountId: number;
  account: Address;
  newPkHash: PubKeyHash;
  feeTokenId: number;
  fee: BigNumberish;
  nonce: number;
  validFrom: number;
  validUntil: number;
  ethAuthData?: ChangePubKeyOnchain | ChangePubKeyECDSA | ChangePubKeyCREATE2;
  ethSignature?: string;
}): Promise<ChangePubKey>;

# Inputs and outputs

Name Description
changePubKey.accountId Account id of the sender
changePubKey.account zkSync address of the account
changePubKey.newPkHash Public key hash to be set for an account
changePubKey.feeTokenId Numerical token id
changePubKey.fee Fee to pay for operation, paid in token
changePubKey.nonce Transaction nonce
changePubKey.validFrom Unix timestamp from which the block with this transaction can be processed
changePubKey.validUntil Unix timestamp until which the block with this transaction can be processed
changePubKey.ethAuthData (optional) Data which is used to verify the Ethereum signature
changePubKey.ethSignature (optional)
returns Signed zkSync change public key transaction

  1. If undefined, Signer will be derived from ethereum signature of specific message. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. If undefined, it will be queried from the server. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. If undefined, it will be deduced using the signature output. ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Returned undefined value means that the account does not exist in the state tree. ↩︎

  5. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
  6. "ETH" or address of the ERC20 token ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  7. If undefined, it will be queried from the server. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  8. To see if amount is packable use pack amount util ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  9. If fee was requested manually, request has to be of "FastWithdraw" type ↩︎ ↩︎