# Utils

# Working with tokens

Tokens are identified with

  1. symbol (e.g. "ETH", "DAI")
  2. address ("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" for "ETH" or "0xFab46E002BbF0b4509813474841E0716E6730136" for ERC20).

To use the token-related utility functions, TokenSet class must be used, token set can be obtained from zkSync provider.

# Resolve token ID

Get numerical token id using its identifier.


public resolveTokenId(tokenLike: TokenLike): number;

# Resolve token Address

Get token address using its identifier.


public resolveTokenAddress(tokenLike: TokenLike): TokenAddress;

# Resolve token Symbol

Get token symbol using its identifier.


public resolveTokenSymbol(tokenLike: TokenLike): TokenSymbol;

# Resolve token decimals

Get token decimals (e.g. Ether has 18 decimals, meaning 1.0 ETH is 1e18 wei).


public resolveTokenDecimals(tokenLike: TokenLike): number;

# Format amount for token

Format BigNumberish amount to a human-readable string with respect to decimals value for given token.


public formatToken(tokenLike: TokenLike, amount: BigNumberish): string;


provider.tokenSet.formatToken('ETH', '1000000000'); // "0.000000001"
provider.tokenSet.formatToken('USDC', '1000000000'); // "1000.0"

# Parse amount for token

Parse a human-readable string to a BigNumber with respect to decimals value for given token.


public parseToken(tokenLike: TokenLike, amount: string): BigNumber;


provider.tokenSet.parseToken('ETH', '0.000000001'); // '1000000000'
provider.tokenSet.parseToken('USDC', '1000.0'); // '1000000000'

# Amount packing

# Check if amount is packable

Transfers amount should be packable to 5-byte long floating-point representation. This function is used to check if this amount can be used as a transfer amount.


export function isTransactionAmountPackable(amount: BigNumberish): boolean;

# Closest packable amount

Transfers amount should be packable to 5-byte long floating-point representation. This function returns the closest packable amount by setting the least significant digits to zero.


export function closestPackableTransactionAmount(amount: ethers.BigNumberish): ethers.utils.BigNumber;

# Check if fee is packable

All fees paid in transfers and withdraws should be packable to 2-byte long floating-point representation. This function is used to check if this amount can be used as a fee.


export function isTransactionFeePackable(amount: BigNumberish): boolean;

# Closest packable fee

All fees paid in transfers and withdraws should be packable to 2-byte long floating-point representation. This function returns the closest packable amount by setting the least significant digits to zero.


export function closestPackableTransactionFee(fee: ethers.BigNumberish): ethers.utils.BigNumber;

# Check if formatted amount is packable for token

All amounts paid in transfers should be packable to 5-byte long floating-point representation. isTokenTransferAmountPackable function allows to check if formatted amount can be used as a transfer amount.


public isTokenTransferAmountPackable(
    tokenLike: TokenLike,
    amount: string
): boolean;

# Check if formatted fee is packable for token

All fees paid in transfers and withdraws should be packable to 2-byte long floating-point representation. isTokenTransactionFeePackable function is used to check if formatted amount can be used as a fee.


public isTokenTransactionFeePackable(
    tokenLike: TokenLike,
    amount: string
): boolean;

# Awaiting for operation completion

It is often useful to be able to wait until the transaction is committed or verified. It is possible to do that using objects returned from methods that submit transactions.

It is possible to wait until the transactions like Transfer is either:

  1. Committed (with awaitReceipt) when the state is updated in the zkSync network
  2. Verified (with awaitVerifyReceipt) when the state is finalized on the Ethereum

It is possible to wait until the operations like Deposit is either:

  1. Mined on the Ethereum network (with awaitEthereumTxCommit)
  2. Committed (with awaitReceipt) when the state is updated in the zkSync network
  3. Verified (with awaitVerifyReceipt) when the state is finalized on the Ethereum

Commit comes first, but there is no need to wait for commit if you are interested in the verify since await for verifying implies await for commit.

Awaiting for transaction.

import * as zksync from "zksync";
const wallet = ..; // create zkSync Wallet

// see transfer example for details
const transfer = await wallet.syncTransfer({..});

// this function will return when deposit is committed to the zkSync chain
const receiptAfterCommit = await transfer.awaitReceipt();

// this function will return when deposit is verified with ZK proof.
const receiptAfterVerify = await transfer.awaitVerifyReceipt();

Awaiting for priority operation

import * as zksync from "zksync";

// see deposit example for details
const deposit = await zksync.depositFromETH({..});

// this function will return when deposit request is accepted to the Ethereum.
const txMinedCommit = await deposit.awaitEthereumTxCommit();

// this function will return when deposit is committed to the zkSync chain
const receiptAfterCommit = await deposit.awaitReceipt();

// this function will return when deposit is verified with ZK proof.
const receiptAfterVerify = await deposit.awaitVerifyReceipt();

Sending and awaiting for the previously signed transaction.

import * as zksync from "zksync";
const provider = ..; // create zkSync Provider
const wallet = ..; // create zkSync Wallet

// sign transfer transaction
const signedTransfer = await wallet.signSyncTransfer({..});

// submit transaction to zkSync
const transfer =  await zksync.wallet.submitSignedTransaction(signedTransfer, provider);

// this function will return when deposit is committed to the zkSync chain
const receiptAfterCommit = await transfer.awaitReceipt();

// this function will return when deposit is verified with ZK proof.
const receiptAfterVerify = await transfer.awaitVerifyReceipt();